THE SEASHELL tells the story of a boy who lives in a fisherman village that hunts mermaids as he secretly befriends a mermaid. Based on "The First Strawberry" by Joseph Bruchac.

The Moon watched as the boy rowed desperately and fell more and more behind. The Moon felt sorry for the boy.
“You know she can’t stay with you.” said the Moon.
“Yes, but I want her to remember me… I want to remember her. I want to catch up to her and hear her voice one last time.”
“Then I will help you.“ said the Moon.

Smoky the War Dandy follows a true and heroic tale of Smoky, a Yorkie found in a foxhole in New Guinea, and his beautiful friendship with Corporal Wynne during their service during WWII.

ON THE WAY HOME is a tale inspired by my father's childhood in Madou, Taiwan. RongRong discovers and learns new things around him on his way to work at the candy factory, including riding the first train in Taiwan for the first time.

SWEET DREAMS is an illustration of Aya Ghanameh's story: Take Me Back to My Old Home (re-write of Take Me Out to the Ball Game).

PAGE BY PAGE tells the story of an old man who discovers that his favorite books have gone missing one morning. He follows the pages and mysterious footprints left behind. Where will they lead to?